Studia Historica Septentrionalia 77
Kari Alenius & Matti Enbuske (eds.),
The Barents and the Baltic Sea Region. Contacts, Influences and Social Change

Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2017, 386 s, mv-kuvitus.

This book is based on the papers presented in the “The Barents and the Baltic Sea region: contacts, influences and social change” symposium that took place at the University of Oulu on December 10th–11th, 2015. It was an international event organized by the Department of History and Transcultural Encounters Research Center (TCERC). The symposium continued series of researcher meetings at the University of Oulu. These contribute to Arctic and Nordic research, both of which belong to the university’s focal areas.

The symposium focused on cultural, economic, political, religious, social and other phenomena that have affected the region and its relationships with the surrounding world. All in all, the aim of the symposium was to analyze the characteristics of the Barents and Baltic Sea region from interdisciplinary perspectives.

Artikkelit / Articles:

Kari Alenius & Matti Enbuske, Approaches to the Study of the
Barents and the Baltic Sea Region

Challenges of cultural and political encounters

Sirpa Aalto, Hyväksikäyttöä vai kumppanuutta? Saamelaisten ja
skandinaavien kohtaamiset islantilaisissa saagoissa

Andrej Kotljarchuk, Nordic Fishermen in the Soviet Union: Ethnic
Purges and the Cleansing of the Cultural Landscape

Saulius Kaubrys, Legal regulation of the status of local authorities in Lithuania in 1918–1940: addressing the challenges

Dalia Bukelevičiūtė, Accessibility of Education and Social Aspects in Lithuania in the Period of 1936–1940

Lars Elenius, Ethnopolitical mobilisation in the North Calotte area

Otso Kortekangas, Whose history is Sámi history? Utility, nation-
state and the indigenous studies paradigm – a historiographical

Trans-border perspectives

Olavi K. Fält, Globaali sota: Itämeren alue Venäjän–Japanin sodan
(1904–1905) aikaisena kulttuurisena kohtaamispaikkana

Matti Enbuske, Pohjois-Suomen siirtolaisuus Ruijaan ja Pohjois-Amerikkaan: määrä, lähtöalueet, sosiaalinen tausta sekä vertautuminen Pohjois-Ruotsiin   

Thomas Lundén, Border towns in the Barents – Baltic area:
Temporal and spatial characteristics   

Andrey Repnevskii, 25 years of collaboration between Russian and Norwegian historians: positive results. Joint research projects and publications in their respective languages in the period 1991–2015   

Oksana Zaretskaya, The Development of Cooperation in the Baltic
and the Barents Regions: Russian-Scandinavian Relations  

Northern maritime dimension

Ritva Kylli, Borderlands for the Benefit of the Empire: Alcohol,
the Fur Trade and the Native People of the North

Outi Korhonen, Hailuotolaisten Tukholman purjehdukset

Juha Sahi, Kauppalaivuriverkosto Itämeren äärellä: Tapaustutkimus livuri Fredrik Henriksson Anttooran kauppa- ja rahdinkuljetus-verkostosta Tukholmaan 1800- ja 1900-luvun vaihteessa  

Masataka Tamai, The Barents Sea and Japan: Rethinking the
relationship through the North Sea Route   

Juha Saunavaara, Commercial utilization of the Northern Sea Route and regional development policy – Hokkaido as a case study   

Christophe Buyle, “Fennoscandia wave”: Zone of Contact Fostering Trans-Regionalism  

Representations in transition

Jukka Nyyssönen, Väinö Tanner and the idea of Fennoscandia –
building planetary zones of contact   

Esa Ruuskanen, Napa-alueet suomenkielisissä aikakausi- ja
sanomalehdissä 1870–1910: rajaseudun haltuunotto,
havainnollistaminen ja hyöty  

Samu Sarviaho, Suomalaista itsetuntoa ja heimoaatetta rakentamassa – Karjalan varhaishistorian ja keskiajan historiakuvan muodostuminen 1800-luvun suomalaisessa historiankirjoituksessa 

Juho Niemelä, Isänmaan kuvasta luonnon laboratorioon – Suomen kansallispuistokeskustelun varhaisten puheenvuorojen vaihtuvat

Kari Alenius, A distant negligible Baltic country: The image of
Lithuania in Finnish schoolbooks   

