Transcultural Encounters III. Debate! Language, Culture and Information in Interaction


Transcultural Encounters III. Debate! Language, Culture and Information in Interaction. Toimittaneet Pekka Kuusisto, Kari Alenius ja Maria Julku. Studia Historica Septentrionalia 90. Pohjois-Suomen Historiallinen Yhdistys, Rovaniemi 2024, 348 s.


The Transcultural Encounters Research Center of the University of Oulu organized its third international conference “Debate! Language, Culture, and Information in Interaction” in June 10–11, 2021 to address debating from different perspectives in the humanities. The present volume gathers the conference proceedings into six sections that discuss particular debates, as well as the historical and thematical forms and traditions of debating.


Minister Liisa Jaakonsaari, vice chair of the board of the University Of Oulu, Opening (video) address: Transcultural Encounters 3: Debate! Language, Culture and Information in Interaction
Pekka Kuusisto, Kari Alenius and Maria Julku, Approaches on Debate Culture

I Agonistic Debate in Art and Literature
Päivikki Romppainen, Agonistiset piirteet Paavo Rintalan myöhäis-proosassa
Jyrki Korpua, “More than Memory” – Theological and Ontological Perspectives of Elves and Men, Immortality and Mortality, in J. R. R. Tolkien’s debate of Finrod and Andreth

II Philological Argumentation
Timo Sironen, Philological and Linguistic Considerations on Mariangelo Accursio’s Osci et Volsci Dialogus ludis Romanis actus (Rome 1513)
Svetlana Hautala, Latina aatelisille, oski talonpojille: argumentoinnista, historiografiasta ja kielestä Jakob Balden teoksessa Poesis osca (1647)

III Debating in Europe and India
Esko Nevalainen, Effect of a Powerful Neighbor – Debate over the British Union: The Current Situation in Light of Its Seventeenth-Century Origins
Friederike Frenzel, “Disputing Sects Are Like Steel and Flints” – Two Case Studies on Enlightened Debate Culture in 18th Century Göttingen
Prabhu Venkataraman and Prasanta Kumar Arukha, Cues from Indian Debating Tradition – Some Reflections

IV Debates, Misinformation, and Propaganda in the History and Historiography of the Second World War
Henry Oinas-Kukkonen, An Arctic Safe Haven or an Arctic Concentration Camp? – The Major Alaska Refugee Debate in 1940
Kari Alenius, Misinformaatio Saksan miehittämässä Virossa 1941–1944
Antti Heikkinen, August Kubizekin muistelmat lähteenä Hitler-tutkimuksen perinteessä
Kimmo Lackman, Were the German Deserters the Wehrmacht Judge’s Victims?
Pekka Tuomikoski, Miekantuppipäiväkäskyn hengessä. Päämajan Tiedotusosaston linjaukset Itä-Karjalaa koskettavalle TK-kirjoittelulle jatkosodan alusta syyskuun puoliväliin saakka

V Newspapers and the Dissemination of Information
Sanna Kristiina Salo, The Representation of the Fascist Past in the Italian Weeklies Oggi and Tempo 1950–1953: Historical Images as Tools for Nation-Building and Consolidation of Power
Janne Timonen, Laivasto, joka katosi – Helsingin Sanomien ja kahden muun suomalaisen sanomalehden uutisointia Neuvostoliiton laivastoharjoituksesta Pohjanmerellä vuonna 1954
Olavi K. Fält, How Global Was Global? The Regional Prevalence of the Corona Pandemic in the Spring of 2020 – Perspectives on Finland and Japan

VI Literature, History, and Politics
Pekka Kuusisto, Fixing a Pole Star for Troubled Times: Väinö Linna’s Choir of Discord, Debate and Reconciliation